Streamline M&A Process with Automation

Growth and consolidation drive M&A. In any typical sell process, it is common that there are gaps in information perceived by employees as the news of sell process proliferates. After three sale processes as CEO, Marshall Dahneke, currently an operating partner at Gridiron Capital said that sale process is a full time job and is a major distraction from running the company. One of the concerns he mentioned in his interview with Smart Business DealMakers:

“As your long-held behaviors suddenly change — you always have your office door open and then all of a sudden it's always closed, simple things like that — people tend to invent and share their own stories to fill the gaps,” he says. “And since excessive rumors can become an increasing distraction to organizational effectiveness, find ways to minimize those.”

Pre-empt mis-information with narrative analysis

Narrative behind a sale process is a fertile ground for misinformation that is supported by partial truth. To counter this downside, management can pre-empt such information gap using narrative analysis. Automation has come a long way in aggregating conversations for analysis with key narrative; in the process many information gaps can be detected and addressed timely to ensure the organization is working with a single version of the truth.

Narrative analysis affirms key subjects supported by rationales and detects information gaps

In a M&A sale process, it is almost impossible for the management team to address every worker’s concern, yet it is essential to maintain the business operating efficiency. One solution is to perform narrative analysis on transcripts from Town Hall meetings and fill in the gaps ahead of time so as to better address everyone's concern before rumors turn into headache. Automated narrative analytic tool helps to abstract voluminous transcripts into key subjects supported by rationales, providing a framework for management to conduct a more comprehensive conversation with workers.

ELAINE takes collaborative briefings from communications similar to the above example and turns it into an interactive navigable narrative map, offering comprehensive rationales that are inclusive of all concerns.

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